Talking to OXM at the Midway Gamers Day in Las Vegas, Epic president Mark Rein confirmed that the best mods will be available to players of the Xbox 360 version of Unreal Tournament 3, although details are still being worked out. "We know some of these great mods are going to play a role on Xbox 360, even if we have to get some people and bring them over ourselves," he said. "We'll figure it out."

Rein confirmed that Epic is talking with Microsoft about getting round the company's reluctance to share user-generated content, and is "cautiously optimistic" that a solution is coming.

He did say that it was unlikely that "user exchanged mods" would be included in the game because it's so close to release, but Epic hope to have a solution at a later date.

This suggests the possibility of Epic trading in mods as downloadable content - effectively publishing the best user-created content over Xbox Live. If that happens, it could be a way for modders to get paid for their work. Question is, who pays for it? Would you hand over Microsoft Points for a home-brew mod, if it was good enough? Let us know in the comments.

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